The temperature data coming from 178 Rockaway Parkway in Brownsville couldn't paint a clearer picture of a landlord manipulating the heat.
Heat Seek installed temperature sensors in the building in October in partnership with The Legal Aid Society, and in the weeks that followed, they recorded hundreds of hours in which the temperature was below the legal limit according to NYC Housing Code. Despite a long, warm fall, nearly 25% of the hours were in violation.
Last week, Heat Seek held a press conference in front of the building to announce a partnership with Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams and The Legal Aid Society. The same day, Legal Aid Society attorneys filed a case against the landlord in NYC Housing Court.
And then a funny thing happened...
The heat came on! After weeks in which the temperature hovered at or around 60 degrees, the temperature increased almost a full 10 degrees the day after the press conference.
Check out the data below:
Heat Seek sensor data before the press conference...
And after...
At Heat Seek, we're thrilled with this outcome. We'll continue to monitor the building to ensure that the heat stays on. But for now, the tenants at 178 Rockaway Parkway can rest easy, knowing we're keeping a watchful eye on their data.