Five days of gratitude - Day 4

This week, as we celebrate Thanksgiving, we're spending time reflecting on a few of the things we're most grateful for at Heat Seek.

Bill soldering.jpg

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today we're grateful to everyone who has ever contributed their time to Heat Seek - and we mean everyone. From our board of directors, to our trusted advisors, to anyone who has ever volunteered (even for a day) for Heat Seek, we appreciate all of you more than you know

We don't have a huge staff at Heat Seek, nor do we have a big budget. We could never do all the things it takes to keep Heat Seek up and running on our own. But we work with the most committed, most generous people in all of New York City. They write code and build features in our web app, make maps to help us visualize our work, help us strategize and plan for upcoming heat seasons and, when we need them to, they even come together to help us solder sensors -->

To the entire Heat Seek community, thank you!