Struggling under the abuse of their notorious landlord, a group of Upper West Side tenants and their organizer reached out to Heat Seek for help. The landlord was trying to eject them from their affordable homes--some who had lived there for four decades--so he was withholding heat. The tenants recently had some luck getting basic repairs made and were hopeful the landlord would respond to Heat Seek data that proved how cold they were.
Thankfully, they were right. After the Heat Seek sensors had been installed for a few weeks, Heat Seek sent the landlord a certified letter, including the tenant's heat log, requesting that he obey the law and turn up the heat so tenants wouldn't have to endure indoor temperatures in the low 60s.
Two days later, the landlord called Heat Seek, surprised to hear about the tenants' temperatures and scared of getting caught. The landlord promised to make needed radiator repairs in each apartment, just like that!
Landlords don’t always reply to our letters, and they don’t usually promise to turn up the heat in a short phone call. But when they do, we’re certainly glad that our work can help tenants get warmer quicker and stay warmer longer. When our sensors and data can force landlords to change their behavior without going to Housing Court, everybody wins.